Roto Power

Roto Power is engaged in Facilities Management & Electrical Construction business all over India employing more than 1200 technicians, engineers and managers. The company has also started a vocation training institute for Technicians & Engineers.

Recruitment for Assistant Project Manager, Assistant Facility Manager

Experience: 0 - 1 Years
Compensation: Rupees 90,000 - 1,25,000

Job Description:
Candidate will be responsible for handling numerous sites equipped with capital equipment like transformers, D G sets, HVAC. They would be required to manage a group of technicians & look after the troubleshooting in these equipments.

Desired Profile:
Keen Learner, Positive Attitude & willing to work all over India. Candidate will be required to go through a paid training if he is not up to the mark. However if the candidate does not perform during this training employment will not be guaranteed.

Email : resume(at)